
Contact us

Get in contact with us!

You have reached our contact page as you might have any unanswered questions left or remarks you would like to share. We will try to answer them within 48 hours. If you have not received an answer yet, please check your SPAM. It occasionally happens that our emails do not find an inbox.

If you have specific questions about your reservation, please always provide your reservation number. The number can be found on your account, simply log in on the page.

Thank you for contacting us.

Directions to Södra Gård.

Our farm can only be reached with your own transport. There is no public transport.

If you come from the directions of Göteborg, take the E6 towards Oslo until the exit of Uddevalla. From there you find the road 172 to Bengstsfors that leads you all the way up to Arvika. When you hit the centre of Årjäng, continu on the 172 and take the Glaskogen exit (about 8 min after leaving the center). Take the gravel road up for about 4 min to see our sign on the right hand. Take this exit and you will find our place.

When you drive from Stockholm or Oslo, take the E18 until the exit Årjäng C. Turn left at the end of the exit and continu your way on the 172. Take the Glaskogen exit, 8 min away from the center, and drive up on the gravel road. After 4 min you will find our Södra Gård sign, take this exit and you will find our place.

Driving from up north, Arvika, Charlottenberg, make sure to drive on the 172 towards Årjäng. After 40-50 min you will find the Glaskogen Exit on your left hand. Take the exit and drive up on the gravel road to find our sign. Take the exit and you will find our place.


In case of emergency, always call 112 first! This is the Swedish emergency number nationally. You need to provide our coordinates and they will send the right service.

Our number below is also 24/7 available through What’s App calls. We do not always have a good reception on our property, but the phone is mostly connected to WIFI.

Opening hours

The season of 2025 will open on the 31st of March until the 14th of September. Our opening hours are between 08:00-21:00. 

Check-in: 15:00

Check-out: 11:00

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