
Borgåsgubben is a mystery on its own. The monument is about 3 meters high and no one knows exactly why it has been build and what for. The best guess currently made is that the monument has been build in the 17th century by soldiers that fought in name of Karl XII. It shows that there were living soldiers along the battle and the monument was to show enemies that this site had been taken.

If you take a closer look, you will find marks on the ground and stones. Marks that have been made by the soldiers, as a remembering of the events in the 17th century. On top of the hill you have the possibility to have a picknick with a small BBQ. This way you can treat yourself on a nice sunrise or sunset in the summer.

To reach Borgåsgubben, you will take an easy to walk path uphill. It takes about 30 minutes as it is only 600m. There is a staircase build alongside of the hill. The panoramic view of the lake Västra Silen is worthwhile to take a picknick with you on a sunny day. If you decide to go down again towards your car, take the opportunity to visit the small town next to it. It entails local craft shops, a small restaurant and cozy streets.

For more information, reach the website of Visit Årjang. You will find a document with the hiking trail. I you would like to know more short hiking trails, please request our e-book through our contact page.

Book your stay with us!

Experience an
offline holiday!

Book your stay with us if you want to experience an offline holiday. With almost no phone reception you are able to disconnect with the world for a short period of time. Relax, take a breath and enjoy the beauty of Sweden: NATURE! Our farm is surrounded by large pine trees, 360 degrees, and ensure a close contact with wildlife. Predator birds hoover above our grassland and moose pass through the forest. You might even see a lynx when you are really quiet!

What to do in the area?


Nature reserve Brännan
Enjoy the rocky side of Årjäng municipality by taking a hike at Brännan nature reserve. A reserve with a big heart for nature in a way you might not expect. It is worth to combine this trail with a Swedish fika while enjoying the view.
Foraging in the Forest
Go out with your basket or bucket and start foraging freely within Sweden’s nature. Just outside our house you will find berries, cantarelles and edible leaves.
Climb up a hill in Årjängs municipality only to discover a panoramic view. See the big lake Västra Silen and perhaps Norway on a clear day.
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