Get to know the biggest nature reserve of Värmland! Glaskogen nature reserve covers 29 thousand hectares (the size of the Province Utrecht (NL)). Only 6 hectares are protected to wildlife, the other are privately owned. There is a certain foundation that strives to get more land protected for both wildlife and flora/fauna. One of the alliances they have is with Natura 2000.
As the park is tremendously big in size, it holds more than a hundred lakes and only two of them are outstandingly large: Övre Gla and Stora Gla. The foundation has set out 150km of paddling trails within these lakes. You will have the possibility to paddle from shelter to shelter and be away for numerous days. A guided map can be found at the infocenter Lennungshammer. Another fun activity to undertake at Glaskogen is hiking. We all know hiking trails circle you around, but the Glaskogen foundation created a new way of hiking! Imagine taking a small rowing boat to continue your journey. It brings a new dimension to your hike. Doing this certainly slows your mind and pace, and you may realise to enjoy your trip more.
Glaskogen Map and Card
If you have bought the Glaskogen map at the infocenter in Lennungshammer, you will see 40 spots with numbers on it. Each number holds a wind shelter, firewood, BBQ and toilet. Meaning, during your walk or canoe tour you can take a rest in a wind shelter, fire up the BBQ and prep lunch or dinner Swedish style. By living this way for a brief moment will bring you so much joy, satisfaction and calmness. On the website of Glaskogen you will find an updated report on the wind shelters and their firewood, for example if there isn’t any wood left.
If you would like to know more about this amazing nature reserve, we recommend you to download our E-book. It contains hikes, our preferred ones, and quiet wind shelters and many more.
Be aware of visiting the nature reserve can only be done when you possess a Glaskogen conservation card. You will pay a small fee for your duration at the reserve.